Monday 30 December 2013

The Great Gatsby

I have not written a review in quite some time, and for that I apologise, I have no excuse and shall not proffer a fake one. So then, I read this book a few weeks ago, it was my second attempt at Gatsby and was an entirely enjoyable experience. It was written by F Scott Fitzgerald and i'm sure many of you have read the book, and a fair few will have seen the recent film adaptation. For that reason i'll not give a synopsis, instead i'm going to go about this review in a slightly different manner. It should come as no surprise that I love reading, and the majority of the time i'll read at home with a massive mug of tea. In this instance I read this novel (and it's pretty short) sitting in a car passing time. And honestly it was my favourite ever reading experience, there are I suppose several reasons for this, firstly, Fitzgerald has a lovely way with words and there where a lot of lines from this novel that have stuck with me since reading it, normally you'll come across one or two quotes you love in a good book, in this one however there was many more than a couple. However, and this is what I feel like talking about here in this post, but this novel I can't seem to separate from the situation I read it in. You know how a certain smell will remind you of a particular memory? It's kind of like that. And this is why I can't seem to give a fair opinion on the novel as I can't tell if I loved the novel or that the situation I was in at the time of reading it influenced my feelings on it. It's hard to think of the great gatsby without thinking of the person I was waiting on. And that is by no means a bad thing. So i'll reserve my judgement on the novel, except to say this, I can't think of anything I did not like about it, and that is rare, there's always something I don't like…so read Gatsby is my advice, a little bit of the green light is does no harm at all.