Sunday 6 January 2013

A visit from the goon squad.

I read this between the 28th Dec and 3rd Jan so I'm half cheating including it here but I guess my club my rules right? I jest of course, I just enjoyed this novel by Jennifer Egan quite a bit so wanted to include my review here. After reading it I still can't quite come up with a synopsis for it. People asked as people do what it was about whilst I was reading it and I couldn't find a way to describe it. It's an interesting novel, terribly well written and jumps back and forth in time throughout the chapters. There is also a huge amount of characters who pop up some more frequently than others at different stages of their lives, from different viewpoints. This non linear way to tell the story makes it a bit confusing to start with and its hard to know which characters matter and are going to pop up again BUT the characters are so well developed the confusion is worth it. Sasha is really the main protagonist although I'm not sure if that's the right way to describe her, she turns up the most frequently and links a lot of threads together so as I read I found myself looking for her parts in particular. I suppose this novel is really about the passing of time, what getting old brings and takes away. It's funny, it's sad and its perfectly balanced it is confusing and takes a little effort but it's one of the few books I may well read again. I suppose some star rating should be given so out of a 5 I'd have to say this is a very strong 4.

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