Sunday 14 April 2013

Little Children

So my back is getting sore and my mum's dogs want to play with me (or more likely they just want fed) so this review is going to be pretty short although I don't have that much to say about this novel by Tom Perrotta. Sarah, a young mother, rather intelligent, someone probably more suited to an academic career than stay at home mum is married to Richard a weird middle aged man with something of a porn fetish. She has essentially a summer affair with the 'prom king', Todd, an unfeasibly handsome house husband she meets at the park. There's other subplots, most notably the child molester who moves to the neighbourhood that summer and it's an easy enough read. There's more to the story than my outline would suggest but I just didn't care enough about the characters to rattle on about it, it's not a bad book, parts of it even verge on gripping but maybe it's because I just read revolutionary road another novel set in the suburbs that really was excellent (really give it a read) that this one just paled in comparison. It's ok but there's better novels to read than this one, resoundingly average, 3 stars. P.S this is one of the rare occasions i'd say just watch the film instead, although the joy that is Kate Winslet is far too pretty to be playing Sarah. Still it has Kate Winslet which is the main thing, and this novel does not.

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