Sunday 10 March 2013

Postcards From The Edge

So after the past couple of difficult reading choices I went for something a little easier this time, certainly no need for a dictionary anyway! This novel is written by princess Leia (well the actress who played her, Carrie Fisher) and much like when models decide to act I didn't have a huge amount of faith in the offspring of an actress deciding to write. wasn't all that bad, parts of it where very witty and the writing was pretty good not great enough for me to rush out and read her other novels mind but certainly far from terrible. So what is it about? It's the story of an actress, Suzanne Vale with something of a drug problem and a flailing career and many issues concerning her own opinion of herself. It starts with her in rehab although there isn't a great deal of struggle involved in her overcoming her addiction which all sounds a bit grim but it's more of a funny little tale of her time there with the other patients and that sort of caper so nothing too deep. We move on to her trying to get her career back on track, going to parties and not fitting in, bad boyfriends so nothing too exciting in all honesty but it doesn't drag on, there's enough wit in her writing that lets it trundle along at a good pace, it all winds up ending nicely, with you guessed it, a nice boy. So all in all it's not good, but it's not bad it's just OK. An important thing to bear in mind is that it was made into a film starring Meryl Streep and I think this might be one of those rare occasions where you're better off just watching the film, you can't after all go wrong with the Streep. 2 stars.

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